
Request a new VERICUT Machine & Control

Fill a form to request a new VMC project for your needs.

Below is information necessary for us to provide you with pricing to deliver custom machine and control files for use in VERICUT software. Please fill out all sections. Please fill out one form for each machine.

Simulate if the tool change sequence swings into the work zone and can possibly collide with machine features or the work piece setup
Typically a robot type apparatus used to change the work piece. Simulate if the part changing cycle could cause the work piece setup to hit a door or the enclosure
Ability to change tool spindles, head attachments, or spindle attachments
Selected Value: 1
Simulate if the worktable changing cycle could cause the work piece setup to hit a door or the enclosure
Tools mounted at multiple index positions around a circular type component
Simulate if the tailstock could collide with other machine components like a head/turret/steady rest
A second/sub spindle used for part transfer/pick-off/done-in-one
Stock bar material fed into the work zone vs a static model
Ability to change tooling mounted in a turret index position
Who will be the main contact for this VMC project?


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